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(en) Italy, Federazione Anarchica Torinese: Passing on the Fire: Towards a Libertarian Approach to the Palestinian Question. A Critique of Essentialism and Nationalism IV. (4/4) (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Thu, 3 Oct 2024 09:21:34 +0300

A spectre is haunting Europe: the spectre of essentialism 18 ---- Very first steps of phenomenological investigation ---- We believe it is particularly useful for the purposes of the discussion to note the predominance of some red-brown and communitarian slogans in the contemporary political debate. Leitmotifs such as the overcoming of the age-old distinction between the right and the left category, or the return of the popular spirit in place of the class struggle, with the related legitimation and strengthening of the state power that should be the bearer of such "spirit", we often find them in the democratic political arena, in public opinion and in the main media.

It follows the perception of an identity threatened by neoliberal policies, by the homologation of mass society, by the global domination of the commodity that empties the form of its content and tries to penetrate consciences to shape them. The evident sense of bewilderment, together with the progressive impoverishment of the middle class that feels its rights wavering, has ended up triggering a powerful sovereignist resurgence almost everywhere, materialized in the retreat into a model of closed community that is constituted in the denial, in the exclusion of the other, following the desperate attempt to restore order to the systemic chaos characterized by the advance of the Moloch of globalized capitalism. The recipe for a strong identity rides the mounting fear of those who feel robbed of their own tomorrow, providing them with the illusion of an easy escape route to salvation. Finally, we find the paradigm shift that marks the passage from the now obsolete "scientific" racism (the tendency to attribute criteria of superiority or inferiority to the genetic heritage of a certain human group in contrast to another) to the more modern differentialist racism, from which derives a convinced opposition to immigration on the basis of safeguarding independence, authenticity, cultural integrity, waving the spectre of mixing, which would risk contaminating a presumed "purity of tradition".

The undeniable success of the key concepts just highlighted - gradually grafted and rooted in traditions that are also distant from each other, with significant conceptual and social shifts that can be found in the production of ideas from below - can be both framed as a reactive phenomenon to triumphant capitalism, structural precariousness and the uncertainty of the future, and encouraged by a fundamental ambiguity that decisively and unequivocally distinguishes this theoretical framework, which fits well with the general climate of postmodernity: an eternal anomic present, characterized by a disposable production of meaning.

The colonization of the imagination, partially achieved by a fundamentally reactionary way of thinking that ends up forcefully denying the right to internal dissent, has roots that go back a long way in time, from National Bolshevism born in the context of the Weimar Republic in Germany, to the extra-parliamentary right inspired by the Nouvelle Droite of Alain De Benoist in France, up to the revisionism of Marxism in a campist and anti-Atlanticist key, carried out by Costanzo Preve in Italy.

One of the pernicious effects is the identification of the enemy exclusively in the "foreigner", a subject immediately attributable to an unalterable national block, considered territorially, culturally and mentally homogeneous.

Often we have the enemy at home, he speaks our language, has the same habits and customs. As Brecht said, the enemy - the master who exploits or the government that sends us to war - always marches at our head.

It is therefore more important than ever to wage a cultural battle to put a stop to a trend that has undergone a clear acceleration in recent years and that in the long run can only cause further damage to the development of analyses and tools of struggle within social movements.

Culture elevated to Essence
Let us focus our attention on the plague of cultural differentialism, the result of a process of essentialization and mythologization of culture. Culture is conceived as an absolutized nature, as an a-historical category, well-defined and immutable, and as such exempt from evaluations and criticisms.

The latter soon takes on the appearance of a monolithic entity that cannot be mixed, cannot be contaminated, is sclerotized in time and space, and finally perfectly superimposable on an interclassist conception of the people, which thus ceases to preserve within itself any difference of class, social discrimination or gender. Following this logical line, it follows that it is exclusively the "culture" of a given "people" that acquires ontological dignity, thought and perceived as an imposing homogeneous construction that pursues unanimity, or aims to assimilate and extinguish in itself all its parts, even the most conflictual and antithetical of the social body, engulfed, deprived of their own specificity and their own potential for disruption.

The lack of a semantic loophole with respect to an authoritarian operation of subsumption leads to short circuits and poses difficulties in problematization. Concrete examples of this deforming conception can be identified in the clumsy justification of female genital mutilation carried out in childhood in countries such as Somalia, rather than the Republic of Guinea or Saudi Arabia, or even the obligation to wear the hijab in the theocracy led by the ayatollah.

The wall of incommunicability erected by some exponents of the radical left who infantilize individuals by judging them totally at the mercy of the cultural and social environment in which they are inserted, sees as a dramatic consequence the invisibilization of the paths of struggle and emancipation that develop in those same territories. This is the case of the Guinean and Somali women who daily oppose the horror of mutilations, the result of a misogynistic and patriarchal setting of society, or of the women in Iran who claim at their own risk and peril the right not to hide their bodies, rebelling against the impositions of a religious fundamentalism that by its very nature is an enemy of freedom.

Expressing concrete solidarity with those who do not accept the established order and its laws by deciding to take charge of their own future, whatever the context of reference, is the first step towards building a world of free and equal women.

Which universal?
The Western universal, constitutively excluding and marginalizing towards all those who are not considered full citizens (the poor, migrants, women, subjects not conforming to the hetero-cispatriarchal norm, etc.), and absolute relativism, substantially uncritical towards potentially harmful or oppressive customs and practices, are two sides of the same coin. Both systems are placed in an equidistant position with respect to an idea of a universal plural in the process of construction, which can only arise from the paths of struggle undertaken by the movements, traversed first of all by those who subjectify themselves starting from the awareness of their own condition.

It is not a mere abstraction, but the concrete perspective of the pluriverse, a world in which multiple worlds coexist, in which it is possible to maximize diversity in equality. It is necessary to throw away cultural ballast to experience a plurality of libertarian approaches that favor the arrival at the individual, rather than consolidate it as a starting point boxed in roles imposed by the logic of domination.

The other is different from us, but not for this reason more or less worthy, more or less valid.

The other is in reality the space of encounter, of equal comparison, of enriching exchange, of contamination, of criticism, of collective growth through the search for points of contact and commonality of intent.

An opportunity to weave alliances by arriving at similar conclusions, following paths that are not identical but not incompatible. Fertile ground for practicing egalitarian and inclusive social relations from below. The dimension of the particular is in this perspective a potential added value, never an obstacle a priori. What unites us, we affirm with conviction, is stronger than what divides us.

A critical look within the walls of home
The movements of the new millennium have made some of the tools of decoloniality their own to broaden their gaze.

The idea of dismantling a prejudicial and flattening vision of the world, derived from the standardization of interpretative keys produced within cultures of European origin - concepts of civilization, progress, linear time, domestic living, infinite development... - has often ended up getting stuck in the meshes of essentialist determinism.

The consideration of the binomial "colonized-colonizer", not so much as a contingent reality defined by specific actors in play, but as an a-historical, invariable fact, like a metaphysical assumption outside of time, leads to conclusions that are at the very least questionable.

It follows that whoever the case has given birth to in the West is constitutively invested with an original sin with which he is forced to live and deal, carrying it on his back until the end of his days. It matters little what his political-cultural points of reference are or the nature of his relationship with the authoritarian institutions truly responsible for the predation of natural resources and genocidal enterprises around the globe. His fate is sealed, indelibly written in nature. The assumption of guilt is configured as a collective condemnation with important repercussions on individual self-determination.

Not only that. As regards movements that move on specific issues, an increasingly marked difficulty of encounter and interpenetration between different political cultures emerges, often experienced as unwanted interferences.

The prevailing posture is that of the presumptuous ascent to the pulpit, of sectarianism, of entrenchment in an ivory tower. Diversity is thus charged with a hierarchical sign, mutating into a singular form of inequality that finds its legitimacy in the excluding assumption of categories that trace the multiple caesuras imposed by patriarchy and colonization, claiming to confine in an identity given a priori, not only the capacity to understand oppression, but even the very faculty to oppose it. If you are not subject to a particular form of oppression you cannot grasp its "essence", you cannot criticize the choices, practices and organizational methods of those who rebel against it.

The situation that is created presents groups and social spheres in watertight compartments, willing only to accept a supine external solidarity, because they are substantially dominated by distrust and the paralysis of criticism.

Mala tempora currunt. In some cases we have reached the point of denying speech or severely limiting freedom of expression based on identity premises that do not take into account the positions chosen and assumed by subjects outside of the processes of racialization, sexualization, etc.

In short, the only identity that would seem to really count starting from these assumptions, is the one imposed from above, assigned from the outside. An innate, fixed, rigid, frozen identity, in which the individual ends up exhausting himself.
Contradictory positions and disastrous consequences
It goes without saying that we are faced with a colossal contradiction.

The same streams of the queer transfeminist movement that since the end of the twentieth century have fought in various capacities to get rid once and for all of the heavy biological sentence that weighs on the bodies of those who do not recognize themselves in the sex assigned to them at birth, which is claimed to correspond to precise characteristics and gender roles; the same ones who have made the feminism of difference obsolete, firm on hierarchical and trans-exclusionary positions; the same ones who have elbowed their way to finally leave behind binary logic in favor of the self-determination of lgbtqia+ subjectivities, now seem incapable of making the most of this approach of thought and carrying its revolutionary premises to the end, fully grasping the scope of the epochal challenge that lies before us.

Breaking the essentialist order that founds and supports the patriarchal order should be accompanied by a clear rejection of the essentialization of culture, which, like gender binarism, considers identities as natural and immutable "substances", nailed to a pre-written script.

Demonstrating oneself to be up to a radical and necessary relativization of the nature/culture dichotomy, placing it at the service of an autonomous production of meaning and organization of conflict from below: this is the challenge of our time. A time marked by a multipolar imperialistic scenario, between consolidated power blocks and emerging nationalisms, small homelands and identities prefiguring excluding communities. It requires an imperative commitment that puts us collectively to the test, under penalty of the inexorable capitulation of any real ambition to broaden the margins of autonomy and freedom at any latitude.

The Israeli-Palestinian question in particular has revealed a short-sightedness that leaves no room for excuses.

In recent months, not only have we expressed solidarity with the Palestinian population, victims of the military occupation and criminal attacks by the State of Israel in the territories of Gaza and the West Bank, we have also tacitly identified it entirely with Hamas. We have chosen to close our eyes so as not to see what it truly represents: an Islamist political and paramilitary organization that perfectly embodies the interests of the local bourgeoisie and that has kept the Palestinian proletariat in a condition of ferocious subjugation for years. As a result, Israeli civilians have all been repeatedly and indiscriminately singled out as settlers or active supporters of the Netanyahu government and of the war directives that are decreeing the terrible massacre of the civilian population. There is great confusion under the sky. The implicit connivance of a significant part of the radical queer networks with the main proponents of Islamic fascism, as well as the accreditation of the vulgate that would like the Israeli and Palestinian subaltern classes to be perpetually crystallized in a national community, risks undermining the credibility of the movements that develop at the local level and the practicability of revolutionary paths. To tell the truth, despite the prohibitive political conditions, on both sides of the war front in the Eastern Mediterranean, there are those who have not been enchanted by the nationalist and religious sirens, those who demonstrate, those who object, those who desert. They are the Israeli refuseniks who refuse the war. They are the inhabitants of Gaza who took to the streets shouting "we want to live", protesting against the denied freedoms and the climate of internal repression, well before the escalation of tension post-pogrom of 7 October 2023. Unfortunately, this is knowingly ignored, insisting on privileging a black and white narrative, without shades of gray, where there is brotherhood according to the motto "the enemy of my enemy is my friend". The imposition of Sharia in Gaza does not seem to constitute a problem to be addressed.

While it can be said that the recognition of an obscurantist and liberticidal coalition in the State, Church, anti-abortion associations and Catholic-fascists was right on the mark, the same was not true for the danger of establishing a theocratic regime.

The precepts of the Koran see marriage and motherhood as a "natural destiny", they offend the dignity of women by relegating them to the sexual object of Muslim men and to a machine that guarantees procreation and lineage. The indisputable Law of Allah provides that people suspected of being against nature and/or going against the Islamic moral order are persecuted, tortured or killed. Hamas itself, in order to better govern the Gaza Strip, uses the SSG - General Security Service, an intelligence network, which, among other things, carries out the task of moral police on the Iranian model. Among its tasks, that of investigating the integrity of women, enforcing the rules of "decorum" and presentability. Homosexuality is obviously banned.

The indiscriminate approval of all the pushes coming from the pro-Pal front has led to the minimization, or worse, the defense of the October 7 attack as an act of popular resistance.

A "resistance" that not only caused the death of more than twelve hundred people, including over eight hundred civilians, not only targeted far-left kibbutzim and an electronic music festival, Nova, but was characterized by numerous rapes and horrific sexual violence, repeated even on hostages, and used as a weapon of war by Hamas militias.

Honestly, we do not know how to describe such a positioning of the movements, capable even of feeling sympathy for those who constitutionally deny their identity and paths.

Defining one's own objectives and choosing the means that are coherently suited to achieving them is a gamble of no small importance for contemporary movements. Support for the establishment of a nation-state, with its own employers and an army deployed to protect the sacred borders that cement hatred between peoples, is very different from support for the revolutionary militias that defend the experience of democratic confederalism in Rojava, where on the contrary there has been a real attempt to overcome ethnic, religious, cultural, gender divisions, etc. in an internationalist and pluralist dimension, not at all nationalist and exclusive.

We believe it is more urgent than ever to renew the call to develop antibodies against simplistic reasoning patterns that lock everyone's freedom behind the invisible bars of essentialism and deliver struggles for liberation and redemption into the hands of executioners who have only slavery and tyranny to offer.
Passing on the fire
Is there any hope of escaping this frightening picture? First of all, it may be crucial to highlight the fact that we are all cultural mutagens, that is, potentially transformative agents. We are certainly affected by the cultural and social environment in which we live, we are influenced by it, but we are never passively and completely determined by it. Even if we were forced to live in the worst of totalitarian dystopias, a gap would always persist, and it is precisely by working from this gap that everyone can be an active part of the process, capable of escaping the fascination of the established, voluntarily and consciously influencing material and symbolic reality, giving shape to utopian imaginaries that can be realized thanks to self-organized conflict and contributing to bringing about a radical transformation of the existing.

In every historical moment, dissidences have arisen. In every moment of our existence we can act as revolutionaries, counterposing every form of domination with instances of freedom and social justice. Culture is dynamic, fluid, changeable, in continuous becoming, because it emerges from the permanent interaction of human beings.

Clearly it is of fundamental importance to be able to make a long and inexhaustible effort to deconstruct the self, to recognize privilege and to be able to divest ourselves of it when invested, siding with those who experience oppression and exploitation first-hand, refusing the role in which they would like to nail us in order to reproduce dynamics of command-obedience. At the same time, however, it is important to feel free to proudly speak out in the wake of a non-dogmatic tradition of thought of an anarchist nature. Anarchism is a political proposal whose cornerstones can be considered universally valid and consubstantial with any project that represents an alternative to the current state of affairs, even if declinable in different ways based on the subjects who promote it and the context in which the proposal finds space and takes hold.

The pride of feeling part of an active minority that persists in operating in history but against history. That history marked by the reproduction of hierarchies of power and injustices to which we decide not to bow, because ours is first and foremost an ethical drive. It is an urgency for social change arising from the evidence of the miserable material and moral conditions in which the vast majority of humanity finds itself; an aspiration whose engine is not a presumed "natural" necessity but human free will.

Paraphrasing the Austrian composer Gustav Mahler: "tradition is not watching over the ashes, but passing on the fire"; and here the torch of anarchy reveals itself to be today more than ever a beacon of hope that can illuminate the path of the oppressed.

1 For a deeper understanding of the concept of essentialism in movements also in reference to the Palestinian question see, in this same essay, "A Spectre Is Haunting Europe: The Spectre of Essentialism"

2 See the article of 8 August 2023 by Paola Caridi on Lettera 22 "Gaza, protests (not only) for electricity" ttps://www.lettera22.it/gaza-proteste-per-lelettricita-e-non-solo/

3 For a more in-depth reading see, in this same essay, the text "The century that does not want to end"

4 See note 1

5 See note 1

6 Cfr. "Anarchy and Decoloniality", video of the meeting of March 22, 2024 https://www.anarresinfo.org/video-anarchia-e-decolonialita/

7 Cf. from the introduction to the meeting on "Anarchy and decoloniality".

8 General Plan Ost: the Nazi strategy for the settlement and management of Eastern Europe, considered as a living space for the German people. This strategy included the numerical reduction of the Slavic population, the enslavement of the survivors, and the total extermination of the Jewish and Roma populations.

9 The so-called Doctors' Plot is a conspiracy theory invented by members of the Stalinist security apparatus which targeted a series of important doctors of Jewish origin in the USSR.

10 Paramilitary groups affiliated with Revisionist Zionism. Particular emphasis was placed on the fight against British domination, so much so that it defined itself as an anti-imperialist force. Some of the Lehi members in the 1950s joined Semitic Action, a group that proposed the union of all the Semitic populations of the region, creating an Arab-Jewish confederation, with an anti-Western function.

11 Histadrut, or The General Federation of Workers in the Land of Israel, the main Israeli trade union, of left-wing Zionist orientation. The so-called "Jewish Labor" directive indicated to those sectors of the cooperative economy, mainly agricultural, which referred to the union, to prefer the work of members of the Jewish community to Arab work.

12 Old and New Yishuv, or the Jewish population in Israel. The Old Yishuv refers to the Jewish population that lived there before Zionist immigration.

13 Al-Aqsa / Temple Mount, the area on which the ancient Temple of Jerusalem stood and on which, in the following centuries, the Al-Aqsa mosque was built. For a comprehensive study of the meaning of this place, see the book "The end of days: fundamentalism and the struggle for the Temple Mount", by Gorenberg, Gershom, Oxford University Press, New York, 2002.

14 The name "United Arab Republic" represented a state entity consisting of Syria and Egypt, later joined by North Yemen.

15 Dispensationalism, a theological doctrine typical of some branches of evangelicalism that emphasizes a division of human history into different historical periods of different theological significance that are dispensed by the divinity.

16 Meir David Kahane, American Israeli rabbi, founder of Kach, an Israeli far-right party from whose milieu both the attacker of the Tomb of the Patriarchs and the murderer of Rabin came. The Otzma Yehudit party, present in the Netanyahu government, descends directly from Kach.

17 The question of strategic depth, or the distance between possible front lines and the vital geographic centers of a country, has been the bane of Israeli policy until the territorial conquests of the Six-Day War. The Sinai was returned to the Egyptians in exchange for the US-led peace process; the Golan remains under Israeli control to this day.

18 Idea according to which there exist ultimate explanations beyond which there is no further possible knowledge. Definitive truths, given once and for all, capable of decreeing the objective impossibility of change.

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