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(en) Russia, Avtonom: Burn, Burn, My State: "Trends of Order and Chaos", Episode 174 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Thu, 3 Oct 2024 09:21:30 +0300

Autonomous Action and the Decentralized Internet
First, some updates in the work of Autonomous Action as a media project. We have good news: now our updates are also available in the decentralized federated social network Mastodon. ---- Mastodon is a platform for short posts, similar in concept to Twitter. In fact, users flocked there en masse from Twitter after it was bought by the slightly strange billionaire Elon Musk. However, unlike Twitter and other commercial social networks, the software for deploying Mastodon servers is completely open and free. That is, anyone can create their own server (instance). There are already thousands of such servers, and no Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg can control them all.

They are completely autonomous (they can have their own rules of conduct, political preferences, and so on). There is no global list of all Mastodon users: after all, they register on a specific instance, and not in some central registry. However, the number of active Mastodon users in the world is currently estimated at about 2 million people, and people from one server can easily interact with users of other servers - read posts in their feed, reply, comment, repost and everything you expect from a social network. This makes Mastodon part of the global distributed federated network Fediverse. Moving from one server to another is also very easy.

Our channel in Mastodon is available here:


As you can see from the address, the channel is located on the todon.eu server. Here's what the server's administrators write about it: "Todon.eu is a Mastodon server with an ultra-left, anti-authoritarian bent. We welcome anarchists, socialists, activists (including climate activists), the LGBTQIA community, environmentalists, anti-racists, anti-fascists, anti-capitalists, intersectionalists, vegans, human rights activists, and so on. The main thing is that they are radical, left-wing, and anti-authoritarian."

It seems quite suitable for hosting the AD channel. You can read us both through any web browser and through any of the many available applications.

We believe that Mastodon is an important step towards a self-governing, federated Internet, not monopolized by a handful of super-rich corporations, the Internet as its creators - scientists and engineers - originally intended. The ideas behind Mastodon and Fediverse are certainly libertarian and anarchist. Independent "instance" servers with their own moderation policies are very reminiscent of Hakim Bey's ideas about "temporary autonomous zones" where "groups of people gather together to maximize some concept of freedom that they share as naturally as the air they breathe." Again quoting Hakim Bey, "some of the cracks in the Babylonian Monolith are so empty that entire groups can penetrate them and settle there." And network structures are more resistant to blocking, arrests, and other state violence than centralized services. As John Perry Barlow wrote in his "Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace" back in 1996:

"We have no elected government, and most likely will not have one, and I address you only in the name of that authority whose name freedom itself speaks. I declare the social space we are building to be by nature independent of the tyranny you seek to impose upon us. You have no moral right to rule us, nor do you have any methods of coercion that we have reason to fear."

It is therefore quite logical that the resources of "Autonomous Action" are now available in Mastodon. Currently, the channel automatically reposts announcements of new materials on the site avtonom.org, but we plan to expand the publication formats.

Subscribe! And, of course, we will be grateful for reposts ("boosts" in Mastodon terminology).

Russian security forces continue to torture
Not all the news, however, is good. A few days ago, details of the first hours and days after Ruslan Sidiki's arrest in November 2023 became known. Of course, right at the police station, he was tortured with electricity and beaten by some people in civilian clothes - apparently, FSB officers.

Let us recall that Ruslan Sidiki is an anarchist from Ryazan, a citizen of Russia and Italy. He is accused of blowing up railway tracks, attacking the Dyagilevo military airfield with drones, and preparing another act of sabotage on the railway. Sidiki was charged under articles on "terrorist act", "undergoing training for the purpose of carrying out terrorist activities", and trafficking in explosives. For the totality of the charges, he faces 15 to 30 years or life imprisonment. Ruslan himself does not consider his actions to be terrorist acts. His goal was to damage military infrastructure, and he avoided harming people.

The FSB officers were not shy about their methods, apparently it was important for them to achieve, so to speak, a "confession". This is how Ruslan himself describes it: "At that moment, an electric current went through my body, strongly contracting my muscles from unbearable pain, I screamed loudly and banged my head on the floor, one of them stood in front of me and filmed me on his phone. Because I screamed, they shoved a rag into my mouth. I cannot say the exact time or how long the torture lasted, since after several electric shocks my consciousness became clouded, I can say that it was unbearably painful."

Can what the Russian security forces are doing here be called an "investigation"? The question is rhetorical. You can write a letter or send a parcel to Ruslan in the pretrial detention center.

"Burn, burn, my country": foreign agent Monetochka
After the news about Ruslan Sidiki, the meme "Lord, burn" and Monetochka's song "Burn, burn, my country" involuntarily start spinning in my head. By the way, Russian cops just opened a criminal case against the singer herself last week - "for failure to fulfill the duties of a foreign agent." Fortunately, Monetochka is outside of Russia, and she is not in immediate danger. Unlike Sidiki and other people who continue to heroically resist the war and authoritarianism inside the Russian Federation, despite the risks.

So, about the burning. Both sides in the war in Ukraine have already begun using incendiary charges to burn down forest plantations where the enemy is located. What can I say here? It would be better if it were not the forests with innocent trees that burned, but the states. The same states that censor the Internet, torture people and brainwash them. Let them burn to the ground, and if you listen to this podcast, help light this flame hotter.

Well, that's all for today! We remind you that in "Trends of Order and Chaos" the participants of Autonomous Action and other authors give anarchist assessments of current events. Listen to us on YouTube, SoundCloud and other platforms, visit our website avtonom.org, subscribe to our social networks and e-mail newsletter.

The episode was prepared by Mani

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