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(en) France, OCL CA #344 - Abbé Pierre: And yet they knew (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Tue, 17 Dec 2024 07:38:29 +0200

A first testimony from July 2023 reports a sexual assault on a woman by the "saint" Abbé Pierre, who died in 2007. Then a cascade of others reveal similar facts between 1970 and 2005, including one concerning a minor... ---- In the shadow of the icon... ---- For a long time, Abbé Pierre was elected "Favorite Personality" of the French, ahead of the singer Jean-Jacques Goldman. His call for "the insurrection of goodness", launched on the airwaves of Radio-Luxembourg during the harsh winter of 1954, sparked a powerful movement of solidarity to help the homeless. Since then, the abbé has co-founded the Emmaüs communities. The halo has remained in the minds and hearts of the French, but had very early on interested politicians.
Once the shock of the revelations had passed, reality came galloping back. Accusations of sexual violence were brought against the priest as early as 1953 in the USA, then in Canada in 1959. He was then sidelined for a while in a clinic in Switzerland. "... the church needed Father Pierre, who restored its image, its popularity, and it could not allow such a scandal to break out" (France Bleu, 09/2023). The Church has been embroiled for decades in the scandals of pedophilia of priests that it has hidden, the latest of which concerns the Church of Belgium. The institution as well as former executives of Emmaüs who were also aware of it therefore covered up Father Pierre's actions. But this time everyone is taking the lead: opening files, erasing all reminders and memories concerning him, promised compensation, etc. Christian empathy towards the victims or simple stopgap to limit once again the ravages of the scandal, the leaks, the desertions of the flock and sheep?

Emmaüs or the idea of a Christian charity
"These revelations are shaking up our structures within which the figure of Abbé Pierre occupies a major place", reacted the representative of the Emmaüs France movement in a press release. Like many other capitalist companies, it is necessary to make people forget, to get rid of the negative image in order to survive (1). Like the Church, Emmaüs is adapting. Denial is no longer an option given the scandal of the protégé. Everything related to the character must be erased. Following the 17 new accusations, the Abbé-Pierre Foundation is closing its memorial center in Seine-Maritime, Emmaüs is renaming and removing the portraits of the abbé from the communities, while Emmaüs International is considering forms of compensation for the victims.
But the ecclesiastical icon was also useful to the bourgeoisie. It served its interests. It knew how to recover what was sincere in the "call" of Abbé Pierre at its beginnings. Ideal ideological screen to hide behind the image of charity, the perpetuation of an exploitation of misery that its economic and social policies produced. Emmaüs International is present in more than thirty countries. In France with more than 120 communities, there are 30,000 people who continue the "solidarity fight", according to Emmaus-France.org. Companions, employees or volunteers in integration find refuge there, but also undocumented immigrants in search of residence permits, who represent more than 70% of the people welcomed. Since 2010, communities can be approved OACAS ("community reception organizations for social activities"), but without obligation of affiliation. Since 2018, the asylum and immigration law has stated that undocumented immigrants can obtain a residence permit if they can prove three years of activity within an OACAS. Many will probably not see the long-awaited sesame.
Officially, Emmaüs does not have employees but "solidarity workers", who in exchange for their "participation" receive a monthly income of 350 euros and decent accommodation. A special status was concocted for them in 2008 by the former president of Emmaüs, Martin Hirsch. The same one who, having become a minister under F. Fillon under the presidency of N. Sarkozy, would then crack down on the ransacking of the APHP (Public Assistance/Hospitals of Paris) (2). This status deprives volunteers of any recourse to the industrial tribunal in the event of a dispute with the head of a community, due to the lack of an employment contract. With this text, Mr. Hirsch and the government have simply legalized and made these closed places lawless zones. And, in fact, these workers find themselves outside the regulations that cover all employees. Volunteers are entirely dependent on the association, or even on the judgment of the person in charge of the place. A docile workforce that can be exploited at will.

It is in these lawless areas that social struggles will break out, denouncing living and working conditions. One of the striking employees declares: "We don't cost much but we can bring in a lot of money." Thus in June 2023, during the struggle at the Halte Saint-Jean community in Saint-André-lez-Lille (3) followed by others in the North, the online newspaper Street Press revealed the conditions to which these "solidarity employees" were subjected. "We worked 40 hours a week for 150 or 300 euros a month... No right to miss due to illness or injury... Muslims didn't have a day to celebrate Eid..." This center had also, following the hunger strike movement, undergone a preliminary investigation for undeclared work and human trafficking. In 2022, the head of the Halte Saint Jean boasted of having broken the productivity record, and therefore collected more than 30,000 euros. Is this a special case or are these living and working conditions the lot of many Emmaüs communities? In 2022, it was the online newspaper Reporterre that already revealed the arbitrariness exercised for accommodation. It highlighted the conditions of expulsion in the middle of winter of sick or injured companions, who had therefore become unproductive and without recourse against their managers.

Business is business
We are far from the "insurrection of kindness" advocated by the priest at the time, but which already compensated for the shortcomings of the State. The priest was therefore nothing more than an empty image, a logo for Emmaüs as for any capitalist company. The myth of the character allowed ideological oppression and the mystification of populations inclined to beliefs and who had retained the call for generosity of 1954. They probably saw mutual aid and a bit of justice on Earth. Catholic charity then masked the ignoble capitalist reality. It hypocritically allowed the hidden exploitation of these damned of the Earth. Thus shone the benevolent halo. For the happiness of bourgeois governments, this charitable model took charge of the relegated that it had produced. Charity replaced class solidarity.
Are these individual cases, isolated slip-ups of managers, or can we see the harmful role of the State via its institutions in the concealment and reproduction of this violence? Are we not on the contrary faced with a morbid, persistent continuity of a daily life that has long been hidden or minimized? If the influence of one and the exploitation of the other could exist, it is also because capitalist institutions at different levels, with their relays, reproduce and legitimize such situations. A necessary submission and exploitation of individuals and populations to establish domination and perpetuate the reproduction of Capital.

Decaen, 09/15/2024

1. Let us remember, after the scandals, Thomson TSF which became Thalès, France Télécom Orange, Aréva Orano. And, recently, the ORPEA group which became EMEIS to erase the scandals in EHPADs, etc.
2. Reorganization of working time: employees lose 2 to 5 days of RTT. Elimination of beds and services: 10 to 20%. Debt: 2.1 billion in 2014, 3.1 billion in 2021, etc.
3. Read also CA n° 234 (April 2024): "Revolt and strike of undocumented workers in the Emmaüs communities of the North.

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