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(en) Greece. APO: Solidarity with the anarchist anti-fascist D.M. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Fri, 4 Oct 2024 08:10:46 +0300

AGAINST REPRESSION, STATE REVANCESISM AND JUDICIAL FRAUDS - NOT A STEP BACK! ---- On October 7, 2020, the day of the decision on the Golden Dawn trial, we found ourselves together with tens of thousands of protesters outside the Athens Court of Appeal, in one of the largest anti-fascist gatherings of all time in Greece. No illusions that the system of exploitation and oppression can be beautified, no illusions that any government can be a barrier to fascism, no illusions about the role of bourgeois justice and its decisions, through dynamic gathering and conflicts with its uniformed killers police station on Alexandra Avenue, we shouted with all our might that we were not there to fight fascism together with the state, the government, the late anti-fascism of the media and all sorts of institutional devotees of a bogus and hypocritical anti-fascism, but on the contrary, we were outside the Court of Appeal in defiance of all those who methodically reward social fascism and state totalitarianism on a daily basis.
It is a fact that the AXA, since its foundation in the 80s, functioned as a state agent and subordinate. Whereas, its main direction, both of the organization itself, and of the state that guided it, was to soften the resistance of society by acting in addition to and/or instead of official repression, as well as to develop the most conservative and reactionary social instincts, dissolving any collective, class and social ties, thus contributing to social fascism. This is evidenced by the hundreds of murderous attacks against political and social activists, leftists, anarchists and trade unionists, occupiers and self-administered struggle sites, refugees and immigrants, always enjoying the cooperation, protection and immunity consistently granted to it by the official repressive mechanisms, the police and justice.
In the midst of a deep political and economic crisis, especially after the social uprising of December 2008, and faced with the mass mobilizations of the following years against poverty and the impoverishment of the memoranda policies, the regime chose to reward even more the murderous gang of AXA by all means, as a tool within a broader counter-insurgency and counter-revolutionary strategy. The culmination of the criminal activity of the neo-Nazis, the murder of Pavlos Fyssas on September 18, 2013 in Keratsini, had a decisive effect on the consciences of the fighters, but also on that wider and majority stream of society that does not accept fascism, in a way and with consequences that regime wanted to control.
This movement of pre-planned and publicized arrests and prosecutions cannot of course be seen as a defensive move on the part of the state. Instead, he quickly joined an aggressive movement in the context of his reconstruction, in the direction of modern totalitarianism. A move that sent a clear repressive message to the world fighting against institutions and from below, both through the implementation of the Criminal Organization Act created to criminalize social-class resistance, and through the use of the theory of two ends, which attempts to identify the parastatal action of the thugs and murderers of the ACA with the world of struggle and resistance.
The 7th of October 2020 was, therefore, a day of condemnation for the AXA, however, an investigation by the state security did not take long, a short time later, on the occasion of the conflicts that broke out outside the Court of Appeal, in yet another application of the theory of the two ends, which it has no other goal than to equate those on the ramparts of class and social resistance, those who are actually fighting against fascism, with Nazi bastards. In the end, a case file is filed and a prosecution is brought against the comrade and member of the APO, D.M., who is accused of the misdemeanors of disturbing the peace and aggravated assault, while it remains open against other, so far unknown, persons . This prosecution is based on a large amount of audio-visual material (videos, photos, unedited footage) from the day of the rally, which was collected by cops and ruffian journalists and in no way justifies the charges against him.

Fraudulent, insurance-type criminal records are not a new tool in the quiver of the state and the authorities. This particular case, however, is a blatant attempt of state revanchism against one of the most massive demonstrations of the last ten years, at the same time as the special targeting of the comrade, who was neither brought nor arrested that day, but the charges attributed to him arise from, much later, processes within GADA. This case file serves a fixed goal of power. It aims to terrorize the fighters, to isolate them from the social body, to keep them in a peculiar hostage regime, and ultimately to take revenge on them for exactly what they are doing, fighting against the rotten world of power.
More specifically, as far as our comrade D. M. is concerned, it is a fact that he is an organized anarchist who is consistently at the forefront of the struggle, being for years a stable member of political structures, which are constantly in every field that erupts social and class resistances. Thus, she has fallen into the hands of repressive mechanisms again in the past, together with other comrades and comrades, in the context of collective anarchist action, anti-fascist mobilizations, solidarity movements for political prisoners and the defense of public spaces. It is indisputable that the state is targeting him to hit an active fighter. As well as how his prosecution is an attack against all of us.
This persecution is not, of course, an isolated incident, but is part of a wider repressive campaign that the state has unleashed against those who fight against the encroachment of the state and capital. In a period where the system itself oppresses and exploits the lower social strata, the mechanisms of proactive counter-insurgency are necessary to safeguard power: trumped-up cases, invasions of squatters and struggle spaces, banning and beating of demonstrations, escalation of control, policing in the center of the cities, attack on the strike and labor mobilizations and persecutions against students for expressing their solidarity with Palestine are parts of the state's repressive network to subjugate society and its protests.
For our part, as an Anarchist Political Organization, we continue to fight for the overthrow of the world of power which has nothing to promise the plebeian strata of society but poverty, destitution and war. We do not forget that the struggle against fascism is part of the overall struggle against the state and capital. We are fighting against the legal methods that aim to destroy the fighters politically, morally and materially. Through social-class struggles we stand against the exploitative system, which promotes inequalities, hierarchy and divisions. We fight inside and outside the courtrooms, in all social fields, in the daily struggles for a world of equality, solidarity, freedom. The only real dilemma of our time is state and capitalist brutality or SOCIAL REVOLUTION.


Gathering: Friday, September 27, Evelpidon (building 9), 09.00

Anarchist Political Organization - Federation of Collectivities

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