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(en) Russia AIT: Berlin Anarchists vs. Trench Pseudo-Anarchists (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Fri, 4 Oct 2024 08:11:00 +0300

From September 5 to 8, 2024, the traditional anarchist book fair was held in the Kreuzberg district of Berlin. Within its framework, discussions were held on various topics, including a very relevant one - the topic of anti-militarism and the fight against wars that are tearing apart the modern world. Naturally, the Russian-Ukrainian military conflict was also discussed, and the organizers of the fair from the very beginning confirmed their complete refusal to support the imaginary "anarchists" who support any of the warring states.
As noted in the program of the open discussion "on the war in Ukraine and the role of the anarchist movement", "one of the central points and concerns in holding the Anarchist Book Fair this year is the support and defense of anti-militarism, desertion / refusal to serve in all soldiers, women and men, treason, sabotage of the military machine here and everywhere." On the one hand, the importance of "criticism of those imaginary anarchists who beat the drum of NATO's substitutionary war in Ukraine, as well as all the so-called anti-imperialist groups who, in their false Manichaeism, supported the Russian Federation: the main thing is that it is against NATO, and then everything is permitted" was noted. On the other hand, other topics related to this and other wars of capitalism were discussed" ( https://barrikade.info/article/6526 ).

Even before the Anarchist Book Fair, its initiators and organizers explained why they were not going to allow supporters of anarchist participation in capitalist, interstate wars. They do not consider such groups and such characters to be anarchist.

Here is a translation of this statement:


Since, unfortunately, we have repeatedly encountered groups that support the Ukrainian side in the war between Russia and Ukraine from a supposedly "anarchist" position, and in April an article appeared called "When Ideology Gets in the Way of Solidarity", in which the ABC Belarus expressed surprise that we called them supporters of the war and therefore did not invite them to the book fair, we would like to say a few words about this now. We have more than once had the dubious pleasure of participating in discussions with people who call themselves "anarchists" and supporters of the Ukrainian side in the Russian-Ukrainian war - people whom some call anarcho-militarists, anarcho-nationalists, NATO anarchists, and the like: specifically, we are talking about the ABC Belarus, the ABC Dresden, "Operation Solidarity" / "Solidarity Collective" and all the groups that support the war - although it should be noted that we personally, of course, deny their anarchism. Among other things, it has become clear that, despite their stated desire for debate, they do not engage in it, but rather cleverly ignore every counter-argument and operate at a level that can sometimes be safely described as populist and statist. They seek only approval, and those who do not give it are accused of Putinism, Westpleining, etc. And even if their arguments have changed over time, and certainly due to the course of the war in Ukraine, they are still largely repeated over and over again. Below we will examine these arguments as they were expressed to us and in some cases published, and once again explain why these groups that support the war, despite all the laudable and important work they have done and are doing in the field of prisoner support, are not considered by us as anarchist comrades.

What is striking is that these nationalists in anarchist garb constantly put forward emotional arguments. They detail the suffering of the Ukrainian population and the tragic individual fates of fallen soldiers (possibly also female soldiers; so far we have only heard or read about male soldiers), who were allegedly anarchists at some point in their lives - the latter is difficult to verify, and, in fact, it does not really matter. What is important is to show the horrific reality of war, any war. Of course, one can also find tragic stories of Russians who died in the military because of poverty, or of Ukrainians of Russian descent (who some of these people say do not even exist, although the Ukrainian government in 2001 counted 17.2% of the population as Russians (1) - so either this is just questionable ignorance or ignorance of the facts, or perhaps they will call these sources Russian propaganda and disinformation too?) who were slaughtered, tortured and killed as alleged spies and collaborators. Are their lives less valuable? Or are we now going to start counting the dead in wars, determining which side has lost more and calling that side the good side and deserving support? And do they seriously want us to believe that the Ukrainian army is the only army in the world consisting exclusively of squeaky clean men and women? Well, at least with the Azov Brigade, they don't seem to deny its fascist orientation, but they relativize it, claiming that their training camps were the only ones that were easy to get into, so they are actually completely normal comrades, with whom you can fight side by side. After all, they have the same nationalist goals, and, as with any nationalism, one should, of course, devalue the other nation, in this case the "fascist" aggressor Russia and, as a consequence, in the same breath - all Russians. So much for the solidarity that these people so loudly demand, but which is limited by national borders. And the silence or denial of fascists in the Ukrainian government also speaks for itself ... In addition, the atrocities of Russian soldiers are emphasized in every possible way, who are supposedly all just ruthless murderers, sadists and fascists, whose only goal is to kill all Ukrainians. It is claimed that there is no compulsory recruitment in Russia because there is no need for it, since all Russian soldiers go to war voluntarily, receiving money for it. Since these self-styled "anarchists" do not seem to have realized this yet, it should be made clear that most people engage in the disgusting profession of soldiers in the first place because they are paid for it. It does not take a professor of linguistics to understand that the word "soldier" itself is derived from "sold", a fee (a word which in turn comes from the solidus, a Byzantine coin), and, as we know, a fee is simply another word,meaning payment or reward for a specific service. The very name of this profession means that someone does something for which they receive money. And it should be noted that in all armies, the majority of ordinary soldiers are primarily from the poorest strata of the population, who see no other way to earn money legally - those who then die first, so that voluntariness can only be discussed to a very limited extent. An important role in this issue is also played by the fact that the Russian army is also staffed by migrants who hope to improve their residence status or naturalization, as well as by convicts, which is also the case in the Ukrainian army.

In any case, they do not seem to be interested in alleviating the suffering of the people in the war zones, as they like to claim. If they were, they would have to consistently demand the creation of anarchist auxiliary battalions in every war zone in the world, because we must show solidarity with all oppressed people, not least those who suffer directly from capital's barbaric wars. But no, for them the only thing that matters is the suffering of the Ukrainian side. This becomes especially absurd when it is now acknowledged that this war can probably no longer be won by Ukraine and that conscription on the Ukrainian side is encountering increasing resistance (for although Ukrainians supposedly all go voluntarily to fight for freedom, there is forced mobilization and corresponding resistance against it) - and yet it is declared that all "anarchists in Ukraine are firmly convinced that they must now continue the fight, because if Russia wins this war, it will mean the death of the anarchist movement in the region." We reject this logic, according to which death is inevitable one way or another, and that is why a kind of suicide campaign should be supported, as a result of which even more people will die and even more will lose their children, parents and friends. The end of an anarchist movement in one region or another has happened more than once in history, and this was neither something new nor a complete death - in such cases, these movements had to be rebuilt again, as has happened many times before. The humanity to which they appeal and which they demand from anarchists all over the world, especially in the form of financial contributions, is shown by them only very selectively. Russian soldiers, turned into murderers by capitalism, in their opinion do not deserve humanity, their deaths are of no importance. After all, they claim, the Russians have always hated the Ukrainians for centuries ... Confronted with such indiscriminate thinking, we are so astonished that sometimes we do not even know what else to say about it.

On May 1, 2023, in Dresden one could hear, among other things, the following: "We must call for arming the Ukrainian population to the teeth, so that thousands of bullets are fired from every window and door against the occupiers and their collaborators. If many in the West are not prepared to fight for freedom, so be it, but at least supporting those people who are prepared to do so is a duty that lies on the shoulders of everyone in the so-called First World" (2). And after this war cry, which we have heard too often in this and similar forms from warmongers at all times and in all places in the world, are they really still surprised when we write that they support the war? And how senseless is the use of the term "freedom", which serves only purely agitational purposes! What kind of freedom is being fought for here?
Capitalist freedom? The freedom to die for kinder, more humane, or even, taking the emasculation of concepts to the limit, more "anarchic" oppressors? For this reason, they want to kill "collaborators" and "occupiers", assuming that thousands of bullets will hit the target. And who is considered a collaborator? People who desert and flee from the draft? All people who do not support Ukraine? The nationalist component beats out of the word "occupier" again and again. But since it is not actions that matter to them, but names, they can claim that they are not nationalists, because they do not call themselves that. And all this is combined with banners and slogans that reek of the glory and honor of the cult of the fallen and martyrs.

We still don't know why they think that supporting one side in a war between two capitalist states, or defending their home country, whatever that is, has anything to do with anarchism. The proletariat has no homeland, much less one that it could defend against another nation state. The article also doesn't answer the question they asked themselves: "Does the Belarus ABC support the war in Ukraine?" It only talks about the ignorance they are met with and the fact that their analysis doesn't take into account the specific situation, regional history and conditions. But they don't say what these specific features are that make them think that supporting Ukraine in this war is some kind of "anarchist duty". And how could it happen that all these "anarchists" suddenly became ardent patriots? We don't know and can't get an answer, but it doesn't matter how and why it happened. What is much more important and disturbing is that it has come to this and is happening now. For they claim that all other anarchist and revolutionary groups in Ukraine and Eastern Europe that have a different point of view and a different attitude than these sabre-rattling pro-war groups cannot be trusted. Of course, this is difficult to verify, but at least in some cases it seems to us that everything is moving more in the direction of slander and denunciation (should everyone who thinks differently be shot?), rather than being serious advice and reasoned references. Especially since some of the things published by these groups have now also been borrowed or confirmed by the "anarchist" militarists themselves... We do not want to go into detail at all about the argument that the bet is on the fact that the army has a dormant revolutionary potential, as it has manifested itself in history in the formation of soldiers' councils. The idea that a handful of anarchists could awaken this potential, if it exists at all, seems to us illusory, and this illusion is truly dangerous, given the price paid for it. We simply want to recall briefly what the aims of these historic soldiers' councils were, namely, to end capitalist war and capitalist peace in a revolutionary way, not to wage a self-organized war on the side of the national state and perish in the process.

For us, anarchists, all wars are capitalist wars and wars of capital. The only thing that wars generate is losses, death, poverty and big profits in the pockets of capitalists. It is important to fight both the capitalist war and the capitalist world, because both are just two sides of the same coin. After all, what do these "anarchist" warriors in Ukraine want to fight for? To defend a normal capitalist state, because it is much better to be exploited and oppressed by Ukrainians than by people who consider themselves Russians? We clearly say: "No", this is not what we are fighting for, and if others want to do this because they think it is right, then let them do it, but we will not support them in this or give them a platform, because they act against the fundamental anarchist principles. Because the conflict is not between the right and the left, but between those who are "for the state" and those who are "against the state", and for us, as anarchists, it is very clear whose side we are on. This makes us not ideologists or sectarians, as we are so often accused of, but rather supporters of a clear and consistent anarchism, which should not be diluted by the emasculation of concepts and arbitrariness, otherwise anarchism will inevitably and fatally lose all its meaning in the end and thereby not only finally lose all meaning, but also take on such perverted forms and excesses as we can see in groups like the ABC of Belarus, Dresden, etc.

Long live the betrayal of all and every fatherland! For anarchy!"

(1) https://web.archive.org/web/20111217151026/http://2001.ukrcensus.gov.ua/eng/results/general/nationality/
(2) https://abcdd.org/2023/05/02/1-mai-in-dresden-internationale-solidaritat/
Published: https://anarchistischebuechermesse.noblogs.org/?p=231
English translation: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anarchistische-buchermesse-berlin-kreuzberg-the-friends-of-the-class-war-when-the-exhaustion-of

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