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(en) Russia, Avtonom: "Ni dios, ni patria, ni amo": "Trends of order and chaos", episode 175 (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Wed, 2 Oct 2024 09:09:43 +0300

"With mom on a cloud" ---- I'll start with the news from the week before last. On September 6, an 11-year-old girl was buried in Nizhny Tagil. She was abused and then killed by a neighbor who had returned from the war. The killer tried to escape and go to war again. Some kind of news that is already typical in its horror, isn't it? ---- Despite all attempts to make heroes out of rapists and murderers, the most resonant stories about how those who returned from the war continue to kill and rape are increasingly getting into the media. It would seem that it's time to guess something. After all, there is a clear trend, and the connection between patriarchal values and war crimes with the crimes that the "heroes" commit after returning from the front could be seen by anyone who does not understand femicide or psychology.

But... instead of anger and fury, instead of the desire to understand and prevent further crimes, what do people say at the memorial service? The teacher of the murdered girl barely holds back her tears: "... She felt this world very subtly. I am calm, because now she is on the clouds with her mother." To be honest, I am horrified by such ostrich-like attempts to avoid reality. Yes, reality is terrible, but it will not let you calm down, it will constantly remind you of itself with new horrors and deaths. Do you not want to think about the murdered and kidnapped Ukrainian children? Well, here is a child nearby, kidnapped and killed, what clouds can you hope for?

By the way, the Orthodox priest in the Nizhny Tagil church had serious doubts about the "clouds with their mother." The girl was not baptized. A normal Orthodox god, in his paradise there is only a place for war criminals, and not for the children they killed. Those who build military temples to this god and bless killing in his name, calling for a crusade against the atheists (remember Okhlobystin's crazy speech?), need exactly that, so that people do not get indignant, do not think how to save at least the children for whom they are responsible.

In previous issues, we already told how children's teachers bring killers from "Wagner" to their school so that they teach children about life and patriotism. Those teachers who try to save children from propaganda are persecuted, denunciations are written about them, they are fired from work, and so on.

But, despite all this, there is still no particular enthusiasm among the people about going to kill and be killed in war. The propagandists are very offended by this, they are trying.

"The tank is going, going, going"
Zakhar Prilepin was indignant this week about why patriotic poems for children are not printed in millions of copies. As an example, he cites the poems of Anna Dolgareva, which, according to him, are "impeccable in both form and meaning."

What kind of impeccable poems are these for children?

The tank is going, the glorious one is going,
The crew in it is young,
All the heroes, and even more so,
Distinguished themselves in every battle.

Well, what can I say, the agreement of cases, if about the form, is just a disaster, and in terms of content... some kind of baby talk about the tank.

Do you think this just happened to come across? Well, there are other poems in the style of "I am a poet, my name is Dunno, I give you a balalaika."

The black teapot is cooling down.
It is quiet today -
Tomorrow is a fight.
In the dugout,
Hidden in a sleeping bag,
A young lad is sleeping

He came -
The road is long -
To defend his country.
This is a matter
Not without risk,
But someone has to, well.

Well... well, that... why did you go so far to defend your country? And the rhyme "well" with "country" is, of course, "stronger than Goethe's "Faust" (c)

Wait, that's not all.

...He was tired -
He went on reconnaissance.
In the observation post
He stood, squinting accurately,
In the thermal imager, into the darkness.

I wonder how much training is needed to learn to squint accurately?

He came
And went to bed in the morning.
A short dream,
As always.
Tomorrow is the battle.
A minute flies.
A fighter sleeps.

And now, pay attention!

A star shines.

Is it just me who thinks that another word rhymes better with the word "star"? And it's not "always".

As I understand it, these "impeccable in form and meaning" poems have already been mocked before me, since Zakhar Prilepin is indignant that "children can read how envious people and rabid turbopatriots are smashing Anna Dolgareva for her talent and success."

You know what's most surprising? Dolgareva really did know how to write well. But this about the tank and... the star, it's so terrible that I can't understand how all these Nazi-giving brethren have completely lost their sense of language? Maybe because, as philologists say, "logos doesn't f... pardon me, you can't fool it"? The living language stubbornly resists, and lies and falsehoods produce precisely false poems, if you can call it that. I already know many people who used to be able to write, but now, under military orders, they produce some kind of nausea.

The patriots so demand that we love the Russian language and treat it so terribly. Although, of course, the Russian language is now taking on the most perverted forms so that bureaucrats and officials, who are always afraid of everything, can cover their asses. And the main thing is to hide the truth so that no one will guess anything. How the abbreviation "SVO" should hide the war.

Of those I regularly read, the anthropologist Alexandra Arkhipova described this mangled language best. "Necrospeak" - by analogy with "newspeak" from George Orwell's dystopia. That is, "lifeless language". The task of this language is to confuse and hide what happened as much as possible. For example, this week: "Near Novy Oskol, a train derailed due to interference with transport."

According to the logic of officials, the average person, looking at such news, should think "well, it derailed, what kind of external interference is there, go figure, maybe a tree fell on the tracks, the main thing is that no one was hurt." But the thing is that all these "situations" in the Kursk region, "bangs" and other concealment of reality are presented to people whose mothers and fathers were very good at reading between the lines of Soviet officialdom. By the way, have you already guessed what happened this week in the Kursk region? The Baza channel wrote that "the reason for the derailment of the freight train was an attack by a drone. According to Baza, as a result of the drone attack, two fuel cars caught fire. According to preliminary data, one tank exploded." Well, that is, there was sabotage, a companion to the war.

"Sex work"
By the way, there are still disputes about the terminology that hides the most brutal exploitation of women, including the modern slave trade. I had to meet resistance from some comrades in relation to telling about Leda Garina's video "Prostitution and the State".

The thing is that the video, in addition to the history of colonialism and the slave trade, talks about the modern prostitution of women, which, by the way, also includes the slave trade. And about the constant attempts to normalize this type of patriarchal exploitation under the guise of empowerment and destigmatization. Leda Garina, among other things, gives an example of why the term "sex work" is beneficial to organizations that exploit women in pornography and prostitution.

As a result, one of my friends made accusations that Leda Garina allegedly insults his anarchist and anti-fascist friends engaged in prostitution. The man himself did not even watch the video. Well, Leda Garina does not insult anti-fascists, Leda Garina as an abolitionist removes the veil of "the same work", showing the suffering of women involved in prostitution.

It must be said that any abolitionist will always encounter fierce resistance, including physical attacks, and increasingly under the pretext of allegedly protecting women's rights. The Spanish women's organization "Mujeres Libres" ("Free Women"), which firmly stood on the positions of abolitionism, and whose activists were well aware of the social background of the problem, also encountered resistance.

Is there another point of view among feminists, opposite to the abolitionist one? Of course. Why is it not cited in this video? Well, so much money has been invested in the narrative supporting the prostitution of women that you already encounter it at every step. If you want to receive grants, then organizations promoting "the same work" will be happy to help you. But it is extremely difficult to hear and learn about the pain and horror of children and women involved in prostitution. Thanks to those who make a selection of materials on the site netovar.org.

And if there are feminists listening or reading me now, I would like to remind you that no matter how much pressure those who call themselves your comrades put on you, no matter how much they try to force you to shut up, accusing you of misunderstanding the fight for women's rights, do not give in. Men always think they know better. They are trying to shut us up, like the women of Afghanistan. Or they are only allowed to say what is convenient for the patriarchy.

I know that not everyone will agree with the abolitionist position, part of our editorial board also considers the problem "debatable", but I suggest that you first read the material and think about it. For example, those who refer to the experience of relatively prosperous countries and their citizens providing "sex services" without a pimp do not take into account that they make up an insignificant share of all those involved in this business. And they also do not take into account other social, medical and psychological factors that influenced why these women were involved in prostitution, and what consequences this may have for their future mental and physical health.

"Women will give birth"
Here the Moscow government also decided to take care of women and... test them for fertility for free. That is, the ability to bear and give birth to children. Otherwise, the state simply does not understand why women are in no hurry to give birth to new soldiers. Maybe they have problems with fertility? So, the Moscow government is ready to help, even freeze eggs, what if they change their minds?

Back in July, Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov said that the birth rate in Russia is "catastrophic" for the future of the nation. But it seems that religion does not allow one to guess that the country's entire policy is catastrophic, and that there is nothing more catastrophic for the so-called future of the nation than war.

"Ni dios, ni patria, ni amo"
The title of this issue is a historical slogan of Spanish-speaking anarchists, because many anarchists in Latin America also speak Spanish. "Ni dios, ni patria, ni amo" means "No god, no homeland, no master." No one to manipulate you. Call things by their proper names. Seek the truth. Doubt, think, argue. Freedom begins within us.

Well, that's all for today! We remind you that in "Trends of Order and Chaos" the participants of Autonomous Action and other authors give anarchist assessments of current events. Listen to us on YouTube, SoundCloud and other platforms, visit our website avtonom.org, subscribe to our social networks and e-mail newsletter.

The issue was prepared by Nina T.

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