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(en) Italy, Sicilie Libertaria #451: ANARCHIST GOSSIP? (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Wed, 2 Oct 2024 09:08:18 +0300

"Gossip": an English word with an unpleasant sound (in Italian it is translated as "petty gossip" but it would be more correct to do so with "impertinent chatter", underlining the communicative dimension so exalted by post-situationists) that is well suited to the excellent work dedicated by Valerio Lisi, a non-academic scholar from Taranto, to the "vanishing of love and ideal" of Carlo Cafiero for the beautiful, learned and provocative Anna Kuliscioff at the time when she was still linked to another attractive but faithless internationalist, Andrea Costa (Svanire d'amore e d'ideale, Les Flâneurs, Reggio Calabria 2024).

The charm and intellectual vivacity of Kuliscioff - the one who, having become Turati's companion, will be caustically defined by Labriola as "the only man of Italian socialism" - had already bewitched and will continue to bewitch countless anarchists (including Kropotkin) and socialists (even Collodi who will draw from her the features of the "blue fairy" in Pinocchio) without any other consequences than the breaking of some shaky or self-interested friendship. But Cafiero's overwhelming passion, which according to Lisi was hidden for a decade and resulted, on New Year's Eve 1881, in some timid advances, a kiss or perhaps something more, certainly in an awkward marriage proposal, and the subsequent refusal of Kuliscioff - who returned to make peace with "her" Andrea -, instead led to the mental upheaval of the anarchist from Barletta, to his progressive abandonment of anarchist militancy and to his early death in a mental asylum, with incalculable consequences for the history of Italian anarchism and socialism.

The writer has dealt in the past, on the pages of "Sicilia Libertaria", with another alleged love triangle, that between Luigi Galleani, Maria Rallo and Giuseppe Prestandrea, noting how it triggered, among the anarchist slaves on the islands of Sicily, an intense debate, albeit tinged with chauvinism, on questions of moral order. But many other events raised by "impertinent chatter" deserve greater historiographical fortune, not to recount scabrous details and emotional reactions as is fashionable today, but to grasp the effects, sometimes disruptive, on the thought and ideology, behavior and culture of individuals or entire militant communities. We can start from Carlo Pisacane and the discovery of the betrayal of "his" Enrichetta with Enrico Cosenz; to move on to the "founding fathers" of anarchism: Proudhon, misogynist and familyist to excess, and Bakunin, the complete opposite, putative father of three if not all four of his children; dwelling on the Malatesta triangulations, the peaceful one with the Defendis, the more troubled one with the Pezzas, or on the "uterine" anarchism of Nella Giacomelli, targeted by Paolo Schicchi; ending with the thousand similar stories of humble companions, both male and female, balanced between the reasons of the heart and those of morality.

A vast and largely unexplored field of study, which is well connected, among other things, with the preaching of "free love", characteristic of anarchist internationalism, experimented without great success by Giovanni Rossi in the Cecilia colony (as Isabelle Felici attested years ago in a study of hers that however remained without a follow-up). In the gossip stories of anarchism, as in the experimentation of "free love" by Giovanni Rossi, an evident short circuit emerges between the ideals professed by anarchists and the difficulties of various kinds that arise in transposing them into daily practice.

To stick to the case study of Carlo Cafiero, investigated in his time also by Pier Carlo Masini, alongside psychological reasons that are best left to the experts in the field, it is the intersection of the capital question of the coherence between the means and the end of anarchy with the typical contradictions of emotional life (falling in love with someone else's woman, the betrayal of one's dearest companion) that provokes that clash between Cafiero's original ideological fixity and the reality of the feeling that shakes everything, a probable prelude to the emergence of schizophrenic personalities. The overcoming of this dichotomy, which today we would call between the public and the private, remains among the great challenges of the revolutionary movements of the present. Hence also the urgency of undertaking initiatives that reclaim dignity and a historiographical status for anarchist and revolutionary "gossip".

Nor can it be ignored that it represents only a fraction of those events, shocking and unpredictable, that intersect the life of every human being - including the political and social militant - to the point of modifying their existential itinerary, their ability to judge, their linearity of conduct, and, on a broader level, the very reality that surrounds them, also subject to the perturbations of the human soul, to climatic and climacteric variables, to the game of adversities to be avoided and opportunities to be seized. It is these events that "humanize" the Cafiero on duty, loading him with fears, insecurities, fragility, and force him to confront his own daily life and that of the society in which he is immersed.

Valerio Lisi is therefore right to retrace in minute detail the events and especially the places (boulevards, parks, lakes, streams...) crossed by Cafiero, Kuliscioff and the small community of Russian internationalists and populists that surrounded them, recreating together with the environmental context also the spiritual and supportive atmosphere, and the suffering (and again the gossip suggestions) in which they lived. How far away from a recent biographism, conveyed by academic historians of anarchism, which proposes stainless superheroes as an example and yardstick for future generations, unable to escape the perverse call of determinism. But with a different perspective also compared to that of the so-called "historiography of emotions" which, after having discovered hot water (for example the gap existing between generations), ends up placing the anarchist ideal on the same level as the Mazzinian, socialist, communist and even fascist ones. While Lisi, and we, are rather interested in exploring the conflictual relationship existing between the political ideal of the anarchist soldier/militant and his most intimate, affective, friendly, group reality, and in detecting the repercussions of a political and social nature.

"Anarchist gossip" could thus act as an embryonic piece for the construction of a new historiography that privileges ruptures rather than permanences (for example between internationalists and Mazzinians), distinctions rather than compatibilities (between anarchists and socialists), non-submission rather than servility (to the State and capital), critical thought rather than conventional thought, and projects of radical change rather than those of mere reform or conservation of the status quo. In essence, what constitutes the very essence of anarchism and its being an alternative to the world of domination.

Natale Musarra

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