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(en) Italy, Sicilie Libertaria #453 - Black Crossword (3). Crosswords of the Littorio. (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Tue, 17 Dec 2024 07:38:04 +0200

Prisoners of this macabre pastime, unrepentant, sons of that wretched executioner who gives up, they ferry us from the brown shirts to their worthy Italian comrades in black shirts, starting with one of their boasts, hoping to amaze us by reminding us of a conquest of the Allies, in this case Tobruk, which fell into the hands of the Axis on January 21, 1941 and only served to slow down that stupid world slaughter, prolonging it for another four years. ---- Since we Italians are good people, especially with short memories, it is quite easy for our crossword wise men, now under the threatening aegis of the fascist party, to reduce the black dictatorship of the twenty years to a band of goliardic friends, united for the good of the country, dedicated to making it relive the dream of the Roman Empire and, to immediately set us up, they point out their acclaimed guiding light, the classic leader who can only be the Duce, and, to better identify him, they ask us about a noble Roman family, among many, precisely that of Torlonia, in whose villa of the same name their Mussolini lived, to introduce us to the black twenty years of the last century, crying, in the meantime, for the Venice that no longer exists, meaning the Tridentine one that in October 1922 was invaded by thousands of fascists to suffocate the liberal administration and sweep away any autonomist tendency, considered by many historians as a test, before the infamous farce, which cost us too much, which was the March on Rome and, unmissable treat, to make us rack our brains properly, they submit to us the mystery relating to the fascism of the dawn to make us understand that they are referring to the antemarch, just mentioned.

For the majority of Italians those years were of poverty and hunger, fascists through ignorance and imposition, they paid dearly for the delusions of grandeur of a magniloquent buffoon, to be worse off than the populations conquered by the dazzling victories of the Axis. Autarchy, which replaced the sanctions imposed on Italy for its desire for a place in the sun, let us remember, contributed to impoverishing the Italians even more. The monolithic government of the bald man passed off food and clothing alternatives as if they were conquests, so to renew its mendacious glories, we must understand what the raw wool fabric of those times was, certainly not a luxury item but simply the miserable rough wool, which the jackets of the fascist uniforms were made of, which, by extension, indicated the uniform tout court. Worthy company was a synthetic fiber of the autarkic period, the famous and unfortunate lanital, little more than a cheap rag that had nothing of wool, nor of Italian intelligence, therefore nothing to boast about but in the economy of questions, the writer of the question is silent about all this and we can only pity those who had to wear so many fine clothes, as, for propaganda purposes, also did those who were fascist authorities, in the century hierarch, also due to the restrictions imposed by the sanctions that hit Italy following the invasion of the so-called lands in the sun of the empire, reminding us, later, of those who strongly supported the campaigns in Africa who, at this point quite savvy, we understand were the so-called colonialists, it being understood that wars, sanctions and autarchy were always and only paid by the people, increasingly incapable of escaping the strangulation of the fascist grip.

So, taking us back in time a little, wallowing in the ferocious Savoyard colonialism of the Italian tricolor, they would like to convince us how great Italy had become, proudly quoting some poor devils, emphasizing them, suggesting that they are our colonial soldiers in Eritrea, as if we still had colonies and nothing had changed. These are the so-called Ascari and, since there is no dictatorship without heroes, the crosswordist fasces, in its delirium, to remind us of those lands in the sun, where no human lives were spared, with the utmost contempt for every ethical and international rule, would like to surprise us by asking us about the defender of Adua, a certain Barattieri, sent to Ethiopia in 1895 who, in the glorious medal collection of vulgar war criminals, as we will see a few lines below, was certainly not alone, forgetting, the author of the questions, to explain to us that he had gone to invade and kill a people, mostly still armed with bows and arrows, spears and war remnants dating back to the First World War and who had no other fault than living in a poor place in the sun. So, after a healthy lesson in national history about colonialism, to recap it, we will have to find the identifying acronym of the so-called Italian Empire in Africa immediately decrypted in aoi, which I would translate as alas, for us and for those who still today honor and boast of the ferocious Italian aggressions in Africa, citing various despicable characters of the time, elevated to the rank of heroes,

Continuing in this way, certainly not to test our knowledge of geography, they project us onto an unknown Ethiopian plateau that corresponds to Ogaden which, shot in this way, could also be found on the planet Mars, without even mentioning that that area was annexed to Italian Somalia following the war in Ethiopia where extensive use was made of a war gas that, as if it were a question of throwing confetti, we discover to be the infamous mustard gas, used indiscriminately against African soldiers and defenseless civilians to, not satisfied, keep us within the perimeter African, also use grammar and ask ourselves what the article of Alamein is and, ipso facto, we immediately get to the bottom of it: El and those who know the history of that period well, know that at El Alamein, on October 23, 1942, Rommel and his Italian-German armored army fell into the trap set for them by the commander of the British Middle Eastern theater, Auckinleck.

The invincible desert fox, the aforementioned Rommel, left isolated, far from possible reinforcements and the necessary supplies, thanks to the tactics implemented by the British, had to capitulate. It might seem like a contradiction or a misstep that an Axis supporter is reminding us of this stinging surrender but it is only a bizarre attempt to pass it off as a collective act of heroism by the defeated, victims, according to them, of the cowardice of the English who prevailed only because they were superior in number, forgetting that Rommel had simply found someone smarter than him and started to pay for his sins. To conclude with these false heroes and Africa, they will not fail to want to know from us who the hero of Macallè was, one who is a match for the already mentioned Oreste Barattieri and corresponds to Galliano, Giuseppe by name, famous because he resisted the attack of Menelik's army, preponderant as you like but a staunch defender of his people and his land against the Italian usurper.

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