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(en) Germany, Die Platform: Safe Abortion Day: Defend existing rights, fight for self-determination! (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Wed, 16 Oct 2024 08:50:30 +0300

September 28th is "International Safe Abortion Day". Like every year, in 2024 women, other people of childbearing age and their allies all over the world will take to the streets on this day to stand up for the right to abortion. ---- Although the history of the feminist struggle for physical self-determination goes back far into the origins of the organized women's movement, the concrete origin of this day lies in 1990, when feminist organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean first called for actions for the right to abortion on September 28th.

Even 34 years later, there are still more than enough reasons to keep fighting for real physical self-determination.

A restricted right

In a small number of countries, abortion is still prohibited without exception. Anyone who still carries out an abortion or has one carried out must do so in secret, at great risk to their health, and expect severe penalties if discovered.

In a large number of countries, abortions are only possible under exceptional circumstances. For example, if the life of the person concerned is in danger or if it can be proven that they are unable to care for a child.

In the majority of countries worldwide, those affected can decide to have an abortion within a certain period of time without such exceptions - even if, as in Germany, abortions are still formally illegal. In reality, however, there are a number of factors that make it considerably more difficult or even impossible to carry out an abortion.

In many countries, including Germany, pregnant women must seek "advice" from an appropriate agency about the consequences of their decision before having an abortion. In this way, those affected are deprived of the ability to make their own decisions. Especially in conjunction with the still enormous social stigma, such a requirement to seek advice can ensure that those affected refrain from having an abortion they actually want.

Anyone who has been certified by a counseling center to be able to make decisions about their own body faces the problem of finding a medical facility that can perform an abortion in a timely manner. Even though Paragraph 219a has been repealed for two years and facilities are no longer criminalized for publicly pointing out the possibility of an abortion, this is difficult. The deterioration of conditions in the increasingly privatized and cost-cutting health system does not stop at the possibility of an abortion. Hospital departments are being closed, practices are closing, waiting lists are growing. In more and more parts of Germany, it is no longer possible to perform an abortion within the planned time period.

However, only those who have the necessary financial means can switch to other regions. Given the already existing costs of an abortion, this makes it even more difficult for those affected who live in particularly precarious circumstances to get the necessary treatment.

Finally, in addition to all of the above, there is the fact that one of the population groups living in the most precarious situation has practically no access to the health system and thus also to abortions: illegal migrants. They have to fear discovery, handover to the authorities and deportation and therefore turn to medical facilities less often even in life-threatening conditions.

Reactionary offensive

As if the current situation here and even more so elsewhere in the world were not bad enough, reactionary sectors of society have always tried - but increasingly in the last ten years - to push back the rights we have fought for at all levels.

Religious fundamentalists, conservatives and the extreme right are entering into a holy alliance for this purpose in many places. They incite against the right to abortion in parliaments and on social media, make it difficult to find information through fake websites, harass patients and employees of medical facilities or organize demonstrations like the ones last weekend in Cologne and Berlin.

In Poland, the USA and elsewhere, where the legal development of society is already more advanced, the reactionaries have already taken the first steps to further restrict the right to abortion and in some places to abolish it completely.

Fighting for real self-determination

When we take to the streets today, we know only too well what we have to lose. We therefore defend ourselves against every attack on the right to abortion, against religious fundamentalism of every kind and the extreme right, in the knowledge that every bit of emancipation that we have today was won through organized and determined struggle from below.

When we stand up for the defense of our rights, however, we are under no illusions:
Our rights under the rule of patriarchy, capitalism and the state are always only an expression of the current balance of power between the oppressed and the rulers. As long as this system exists, our emancipation will never be complete.

Because we are fighting for real, complete physical self-determination for all people, we are fighting for a different social order. An order that does not subordinate our bodies to the benefit of capital and the state and regulates them accordingly. In which pregnant women have every opportunity to raise their children in good conditions and collectively, as well as to terminate their pregnancy safely and without stigma. Let us organize and advance the fight for this society!

Not one step back, a thousand steps forward!

Repel the reactionary offensive!

Fight for real self-determination!

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