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(en) Italy, UCADI #189 - Criminal Zionists (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Wed, 16 Oct 2024 08:50:18 +0300

The latest nationalism of the late 19th century, Zionism is a complex and composite political movement that fights for the formation of a Jewish state in the territories that the Bible assigns as their own to the Jewish people. ---- This political ideology, which spread especially among the Jewish populations of Central and Eastern Europe, is in fact a reaction to anti-Semitism. It has developed in various forms: socialist Zionism, which hypothesized the creation of self-managed community life structures, the kibbutz, originally also inclusive of the indigenous populations, who inhabited and inhabited Palestine; religious Zionism, which is characterized by the literal interpretation of the scriptures and therefore advocates the exclusive attribution to the Jews of the territories from the Jordan to the sea and the expulsion from these of the natives; liberal Zionism, which pursues the formation of a Western democratic state in the aforementioned territories, which tolerates the presence of a minority of the indigenous inhabitants, a state protected and sponsored by US international capitalism, also for reasons of geostrategic control of the area.
At the end of a complex historical journey[see: Anarchist Communists, the Jewish and Palestinian Questions, newsletter Crescita Politica 178, Nov. 2023]this latest version of Zionism prevailed, which has allied itself inextricably with the religious and fundamentalist component and which today hypothesizes as a political solution for Palestine the total occupation of the biblical territories of Judaism, the expulsion of the Palestinians, although an indigenous population, to be achieved also through their genocide and in any case by force of arms from the historical territories of the State.
This objective is shared by both the territory of the Gaza Strip and that of the West Bank, attributed by treaties and by the United Nations to the Palestinians, in the event of the establishment of two interacting States on the territory of Palestine.
When it is happening in Gaza, which was inspired by the response to the terrorist action carried out by Hamas on 7 October 2023, it constitutes, with its 41,000 deaths, in addition to hundreds of thousands of wounded, the majority of whom are children and women, the practical implementation of the genocide of the Palestinian people: a criminal project that has unprecedented dimensions for its radicality and its ferocity, if one considers that the war in Ukraine, whose last phase began in February 2022, in two and a half years is estimated to have produced no more than 12,000 civilian deaths among the Ukrainians (at least this is what independent observers declare but we must add the exodus from the country of approximately 8 million citizens).
To hide the shame of the massacre from the world, Israel has decreed an embargo on the press, photographers, cameramen, and television journalists from all over the world, and yet there is no shortage of images of the immense ruins and total destruction of Gaza, of every infrastructure, of the spread of hunger and epidemics, of the total degradation of the living conditions of the population that continues to wander from one part of the territory to another, under the constant threat of bombs and artillery fire.
But, in parallel with what is happening in Gaza, the Israeli Zionists are systematically providing for the violent and criminal occupation of the West Bank, carrying out terrorist actions, burning houses and villages, killing defenseless citizens, forcing groups of the population to move to leave them control of the territory on which they build, financed and supported by the Israeli government and army, settlements that are at the same time military garrisons, colonization, occupation of the territory and its transformation, including it in that of the Jewish State.
The goal is to create an irreversible de facto situation that sanctions before the world the expulsion of the Palestinian populations from their land. Faced with this genocide, this immense massacre, the Western world discusses whether the term genocide can be used, calls for a cessation of hostilities, at least a truce on the ground in Gaza, not forgetting to recite the mantra that wants to justify Israel's activity, maintaining that it responds to what happened on October 7, that yes, without any doubt, with its 1400 deaths, a genocide!
In vain, driven by electoral reasons, the US administration seems committed to pursuing a ceasefire and the release of the hostages. The Israeli government, while sitting at the negotiating table, raises the level of the conflict by giving the OK to a secret operation that had been prepared for some time. Having learned of the decision of the Lebanese militias to use pagers to communicate, instead of cell phones, believing that in this way they would prevent being intercepted and located, they dusted off an old weapon from their secret services, organizing its industrial production and placing it on the market. The modified device has a micro explosive charge that is triggered by a radio signal. Thus at midday on September 17, the pagers exploded wherever they were, indiscriminately killing or wounding anyone within their range. As is quite evident, we are faced with a terrorist action aimed at prolonging and extending the conflict to achieve the real objective of the ongoing war: the total expulsion of Palestinians from the territories of Gaza and the West Bank, thus achieving the objective of allowing the Jewish state to reach its historical borders. But if Zionism wants to complete its project, it must be able to count on the acquiescence of the Arab and Islamic states. However, the contemporaneity between the Ukrainian war and Israeli operations in Gaza and the West Bank risks playing a nasty trick on Israel, because Russia, pressed by the need to obtain Iranian support for its war effort in Ukraine, could provide Iran with the technical assistance necessary to equip itself with the atomic bomb, thus upsetting the geopolitical balance of the entire Middle Eastern area. This could be precisely the Russian response, whispered in Biden's ears, to the green light for Ukraine to strike Russia deeply with Western weapons.

G. L.

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