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(en) Italy, FDCA, Cantiere #28: Marx or Keynes? - The management of capitalism is outdated (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Tue, 1 Oct 2024 08:33:16 +0300

The Keynesian left deceives itself by imagining that the crisis of investment and economic activity stems from the simple greed of capital holders. It is not enough to move masses of money from tax havens and stock portfolios to the state and wages to stem this crisis. It is the capitalist system that must be questioned. ---- After thirty years of exceptionally strong growth following the Second World War, or because of it, the economic situation in capitalist economies changed direction in the mid-1970s. These then saw their decline for many decades. The radical left attributes this situation to the ideological shift that took place in the 1980s under the name of "neoliberalism".

According to this left, the ruling class would have set up a vast financial system whose aim would have been to appropriate collective wealth to the detriment of productive investment, employment and wages. The flight of capital to speculation would thus deprive society of its resources and the state of its room for maneuver, inevitably generating debt and deficits. In turn, the liberal parties in power would hide the reality of this stock market coup from public opinion, covering it up with the persistent denunciation of the social costs. Considered too high, the latter would deprive employers of the means to carry out their social role as creators of wealth.

Irremediably condemned to crisis

Marx developed a theory of capitalism that allows us to resolutely challenge this reading of the facts. The liberal and social democratic criticisms are both wrong. According to him, capitalism is irremediably condemned to crises whose intensity must necessarily reach, at certain stages, unsustainable levels. His analysis makes "wealth" proceed from "work".

However, contrary to an all too widespread interpretation, it is not a question of wealth and work in a general sense, but of their properly capitalist form, as he carefully specifies in the first chapter of Capital. The author establishes that the capitalist wealth represented by goods and represented by money depends on the quantity of labor power spent on their production.

This type of wealth grows when this type of work grows at the same time. The work in question here is abstract labor reduced to a simple quantitative expenditure of muscular, nervous and cerebral force, in contrast to concrete, qualitative labor, which refers to technical skills. This quantification by "time" of abstract labor is the objective element of the commensurability of goods and thus establishes their character of exchangeability on the market.

Now, each individual capitalist strives to reduce the quantity of labor devoted to the production of his own goods in order to improve his position with respect to competition. One can, however, imagine what would happen to value and money if all production were completely automated: the result would be a world in which the socializing function of trade would no longer have a role. However, in the current technological context, the overall increase in labor has become insufficient. For their part, emerging economies, whose production is based on lower-level technical tools than those of advanced economies, certainly employ more human labor, but on the basis of a precarious wage system bordering on slavery.

The tendency for the rate of profit to fall, a central aspect of well-known Marxism, explains the problems posed by the growing technological substitution of human labor. The extension and deepening of capitalist relations can slow down this decline. Likewise, the reduction of wage costs and the lengthening of the working day. Another outcome is the massive devaluation of capital which, after having caused the criminal devastation of civilization through great crises and wars, allows a new cycle to begin.

Failure is only postponed

The situation has become critical again, we were saying. In fact, the microelectronics revolution that took place between the 1970s and 1980s has caused the system of value accumulation to fall into inextricable difficulties. An ever-increasing amount of capital lay unused, which pushed the capitalist intelligentsia to implement the famous financialization of the economy. Its function was to drain the savings that had become available in order to concentrate them and try to allocate them to more or less promising industrial and commercial activities. Having learned from previous mistakes in crisis management and fearing their disastrous social and political consequences, financial engineering has gone from sophistication to sophistication to postpone the diagnosis of bankruptcy as long as possible. However, the expansion of globalization and free trade will not be enough.

In the context of monetary interventions based on the manipulation of interest rates or the redemption of public and private securities, credit and debt have thus been able to swell to exaggerated and unprecedented dimensions, fueling speculative bubbles which in turn fed the production of goods. The American public debt now exceeds 20,000 billion dollars and that of China represents 250% of its GDP! Growth at the beginning of this millennium could be stimulated in a totally artificial way. Therefore, contrary to what the rhetoric of left-wing parties claims, finance has not been the enemy of a fundamentally healthy market system, but has instead revealed itself as a providential crutch, and for this very reason it represents an unequivocal condemnation of capitalism itself.

Regulationist illusions

The Keynesian left deceives itself by imagining that the crisis of investment and economic activity derives from the simple greed of capital holders. It is not enough to move masses of money from tax havens and portfolios of securities to the State and wages to stem this crisis. It is the capitalist system that must be questioned. Indeed, it would be necessary for the expenditure of labor punctually increased due to these movements to increase further, and so on in a constant manner - something that the new technical standards of production no longer allow. So once in power, the left will sooner or later give up on the resounding promises made the day before. It is only in the situation of market collapse that state interventionism and the repatriation of capital will return to the agenda, and this with the consent of the propertied classes. This will put an end to the period of tax relief enjoyed by the large groups involved in the trade war. This reregulation will therefore not constitute a "left" policy, but simple rational measures to save capitalist production relations. They will not lead to general well-being, but only to a temporary lesser evil destined for a certain subsequent degradation. Despite everything, there will always be people who hail this miserable manifestation as the definitive victory of reason. Let us remember that the tutelary figures of the reformist left, Keynes and Roosevelt, are part of the wake of the most unbridled liberalism.

Necessity of anti-capitalist rupture

Capitalist wealth does not lend itself to "sharing". Being made up of goods, it proceeds by "exchange" and therefore requires continuous pressure on wages. The class struggle finds its objective foundation here. The watchword of sharing "wealth" reformulated in Keynesian terms as a desire to see capital reinvested in economic activities and employment has become completely obsolete. The concentration of money in the hands of a few large groups, as well as its being inflated by the processes of globalized finance, give the impression that profitable investment would always be possible and capable of triggering self-sustaining growth. But this impression is false and we must go beyond resentment towards the "rich" to instead point the sword of criticism against capitalism and its fundamental structures (commodities, abstract labor, money, State, etc.), that is, against the illusory accommodations of reform policies and against any attitude of trust in a lasting class compromise to which a part of the protest movement thinks it can return.

The crisis of capitalism is not the crisis of the established power, which could also see itself strengthened and find support, if necessary, in its "left" wing.

Wil (AL Paris North East)- Alternative Libertaire

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