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(en) Italy, FDCA, Cantier #27: The words that convey racism between old drifts and new omens - Paola Perullo (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Wed, 17 Jul 2024 09:48:48 +0300

I think it is useful to remember how certain ideas, arising from the long work of Nazi-fascist propaganda on the issue of race, were conveyed in schools in an impressive way. The Italian racial laws of 1938, aimed against the "non-Aryans" who lived in the national territory, especially but not only the Jewish minority, and the inhabitants of the African colonies, were the result of biological and anthropological theories rooted in the scientific culture of the first half of twentieth century, conveyed by school and university manuals. On the basis of the Nuremberg racial laws of September 1935 and starting from the ministerial decree of 26 November 1935, came the explicit and binding indication to refer to "blood" to define belonging to a race. Therefore, no longer "Aryan race", but rather people "of German blood". And here the decisive transition to a purely mental or psychological concept of race takes place: race is no longer defined through visible physical characteristics, but it is blood, the true distinctive element of race, which authentically "manifests" itself in the souls of people. belonging to the race and determines it completely.
This is the essence of the last of the racial theories, the globalized conception of race. Instead of traits such as the original language, the shape of the skull, the color of the hair and eyes, the true distinctive elements of the Nordic race, they were now ultimately "moral" properties, such as being judicious, ready for action , creative, predisposed to the exercise of command, all qualities to be promptly put at the service of the National Socialist project of dominating the world. From a school textbook of the time we read this definition: "Every man has his own style, racially determined and your style is also the mirrored image of your racial soul.
Whether your language is imaginative or conceptual, imaginative or materially inclined, vital or dry, relaxed or militarily succinct, depends on your racial disposition." Therefore, the distinctive element of the race becomes blood, which manifests itself in people's souls. Hitler himself defines this concept in a passage from Mein Kampf from 1935: "The ethnic identity of the people, or rather the race, is therefore not based in the language, but in the blood."
The Nazi state had first and foremost the objective of creating a German Volk, spiritually united, strong and racially pure. This meant raising children who were devoted to the regime, tough, and physically superior, all qualities that required much more than simple conformity. Children had to have a sense of national belonging. The Nazi regime had been dealing with the issue since taking power in 1933.
New textbooks were published and purges of teachers began, who were required to join the National Socialist Teachers' League.
Almost a third of the teachers joined the party. Children were taught to dedicate themselves totally to the national community. Racial science was an important component of the program.
Jews, Slavs and non-Europeans were considered inferior races.
The children were also warned against "problematic" people, who undermined the unity of the Volk.
It should be noted that those children who rebelled and showed oppositional behavior were also considered "problematic". Strength and obedience were necessary prerequisites for a sense of national belonging, at the heart of the Volk's Nazi ideals. An anthology of readings for elementary schools from 1937 contained Hitler's warning to youth: "...and you must train yourself in obedience. You must learn to be strong, to take difficulties for granted, without ever giving up." Teenage boys could feel important by wearing a uniform, marching in the streets, and organizing socially useful activities, such as Winter Relief collections.
The girls instead were to become healthy wives and mothers, prolific in churning out Aryan children for the Volk. The regime taught girls to take care of the home and children, as well as engaging them in collective exercises aimed at strengthening their bodies in preparation for pregnancy. Young people who rebelled were arrested for insubordination and sent to detention centers and the first concentration camps, where in many cases they were sterilized. If the regime's psychiatrists believed that the problems of these young people were endogenous, that is, biological or mental defects, they could be locked up in various institutions forever, or from 1939 onwards killed in euthanasia programs.
A fate that was decided based on the diagnosis of Nazi psychiatrists. If exogenous causes due to bad education were diagnosed, they were rehabilitated in special centers. If the diagnosis was genetic, a birth defect, they were not saved. All this should serve to revisit the ideological processes which, in a fairly recent era, have seen in the space of a few years, the spread of ideas expressed with an extremely inhuman language in schools and in the fields of study relating to pedagogy, linguistics , anthropology and psychiatry. They are slow processes in which we begin to modify the language by introducing terms and meanings that echo racist, militarist and patriarchal theories.
Even certain positions taken by Salvini on the percentage of foreign students in classes can be very dangerous. Or organicist positions, very present in our era, to define mental disorders as genetic diseases.
Not to mention the ideologies that are conveyed in the growing relationship between school and militarization.
Every time there is an apology for a leader, the conditions of racism are created.

Bibliographical references:
"Culture of race and literary culture in twentieth-century Italy edited by Sonia Gentili and Simona Foà"
" Edith Sheffer's Asperger's Children".

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