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(en) France, OCL: Press release from the libertarian communist organization: On the situation in KANAKY (ca, de, fr, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Thu, 30 May 2024 08:07:56 +0300

Total solidarity with the Kanaks in the fight against colonialism ---- Since the people vote badly, we must change the people. This, paraphrasing Brecht, is what all colonialists do when they have to go through the electoral process. They believed that the right to vote granted to "natives" would be enough to calm their desire to free themselves. This was not the case, as was not the case with the right to vote granted to proletarian men, then women. What to do? Well, quite simply change the people by modifying their composition thanks to the arrival of new settlers... favorable to colonialism! It's called settlement colonization, the recipe is always the same, whatever the mode of management chosen by the imperialist: dictatorship, slavery or proletarianization with parliamentary democracy or not.

A large majority of Kanaks have always fought against what metropolitan France did to them to benefit from the benefits of nickel and keep its strategic position in the Pacific. Some, of course, only dreamed of building a state like any other led by a bourgeoisie like any other exploiting a workforce like any other by controlling the mining wealth for their own benefit. But the vast majority planned, through the anti-colonial struggle, to build a society without exploitation controlled by basic structures. The struggle was the place where a constructive utopia was discussed and developed which just needed to be implemented, without discrimination based on skin color. Obviously the settlers, supported by the government of the metropolis, do not want that! They will not hesitate to use the worst means of repression so that this dynamic does not resume. It is up to us to act in the metropolis to weaken the French State by all means through the various social movements existing here and there, and to demonstrate our total solidarity with the Kanaks in the fight against colonialism, which is only one facet of capitalism.


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