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(en) Italy, UCAD'I #184 - What's new - ANTISEMITISM (ca, de, it, pt, tr)[machine translation]

Date Thu, 30 May 2024 08:07:17 +0300

The re-explosion of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the horrors committed, both with the terrorist attack of 7 October and with the genocide of the population of Gaza, have reignited the discussion and debate on anti-Semitism as the basis of hostility towards the Jewish population in world. Playing on the sense of guilt of the West and of all humanity for the Shoah, made possible by complicity and quiescence, by anti-Semitism rooted in the history of humanity, Israel has conducted and continues its policy of extermination towards the population indigenous to Palestine, claiming a moral justification that derives from the retaliation following the terrorist action perpetrated with unprecedented ferocity and in defense of its right to exist.
However, what is happening deserves, especially for us anarchist communists, careful reflection that allows for a thoughtful reading of history, in order to get rid of a set of misunderstandings that prevent us from tackling the problem of the coexistence of two people with rationality and the possibility of a solution. people on the same territory.
Let us begin our considerations first of all by clarifying that the terms we use derive from the Bible, which for us non-believers is not a sacred book, but simply the diary of the history of a people, created through the transcription of oral history handed down by tradition. The stories concerning Noah and his sons Shem, Ham and Japet who, after the universal flood, spread across the known world, repopulating it, therefore take on mythical contours. The descendants of Shem Egypt, Palestine, Arabia and the territories of the Assyro-Babylonians; the descendants of Ham would have populated Africa and those of Japet Europe and Asia.
We, strengthened by the anthropological knowledge acquired by science, do not share creationism (the biblical narrative) and are inclined to think that men and women were born from a biological process that began with the evolution of the species and had more focus than mix of genes that have crossed paths with each other. Proof of this is the discovery of humanoid and then human skeletons in Africa as in China, as in Europe as in the Americas, skeletons of ancestors of the human race who, through a process of migrations and encounters, merged to form the populations that currently populate the planet.
But returning to the biblical story, the populations descended from Shem occupied the areas of the Middle East and therefore both the Palestinians and the Jews are to be defined as Semites, unless one believes that the Jewish tribes would have remained pure and distinct through descent. exclusively from Jewish mothers (sic!), and in any case they descend from the same father. It follows that when we support the reasons of the Palestinian people we are not anti-Semitic, but critical of a particular form of Judaism, personified by Zionism, which constitutes the nationalist, ethnic and identity reading of the history of the Jewish people.
Our opposition to nationalism, in any disguised form, leads us to condemn without delay and with determination every pogrom that has had or has as its recipients Jewish populations or any other ethnic group and pushes us to consider all men and women as brothers and sisters. women, without distinction of race, sex, ethnicity, language, religion and anything else that may differentiate them by somatic features, skin color, gender, ethical, moral and religious beliefs.
We have fully expressed our opinion on Zionism as a political movement and the historical events that led to the birth of the State of Israel and we refer to that document, avoiding repeating ourselves.[1]
We therefore consider it a right of Jews in the world to cultivate their beliefs, their tradition, their customs, eating habits, and anything else, in their opinion, distinguishes them and characterizes them compared to the rest of the world's population, but we consider the Jews are absolutely equal in rights and obligations towards the whole of humanity and therefore
we cannot accept that following the events we know well and a war transformed into a struggle for extermination on both sides we continue to perpetrate a genocide using the systematic and planned starvation of an entire population as a weapon in order to bring about its extinction. The bombings and the repressive action carried out against the terrorist component of Hamas have surpassed any right to defense which cannot lead to the annihilation of an entire population. Taking on the pain of humanity and the shame of having allowed the Shoah and therefore the systematic and scientific planning of the destruction of a people and an ethnic group cannot go so far as to allow us to do the same towards other peoples, because everyone has an equal right to live in freedom and well-being and to believe that, unfortunately, the genocide is not exclusive to the Jewish people, as history has shown, just remember that of the Armenians and the Kurds.

[1]Union of Anarchist Communists, Anarchist communists, the Jewish and Palestinian questions , Political Growth Newsletter, N° 178 - November 2023 (Special Issue), https://www.ucadi.org/wp-content/uploads/ 2023/11/178.pdf .

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