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(en) Two Trans Conf. To Be Held in Buenos Aires
ales@wamani.apc.org (Alejandra Sarda)
Tue, 05 May 1998 15:52:33 +1000
A - I N F O S N E W S S E R V I C E
Escrita en el Cuerpo - Lesbian, Bisexual and Different Women's Archives
and Library
Electronic News Service
by Lohana Berkins (*)
Deprived of all rights, tortured, raped and even murdered, survivors of
an unjust cruel and indifferent society, Argentinean transvestites
started five years ago to walk the hard way of activism to fight for our
In 1993 Keny de Michelis came out giving voice to the situation of
transvestites through newspapers, magazines and the TV. The message
strike a chord almost inmeditely, because it contained what we all
wanted to say: stop all kind of violence, abuse and mistreatment. Soon
ATA - Argentinean Transvestite Association- was born, and it quickly
became the place where many of us shouted, discussed but above all
started to listen to each other, to really see each other, and -shyly-
to touch each other, recognizing our similarities and differences.
The first struggle was to make gay and lesbian activist aware of our
realities. A product of that work was the I National LGTT Conference
(Rosario, 1996) where we started to discover other faces, other
realities. It was a huge relief to realize we weren't alone, that we
were many, with many differences, many diverse struggles becoming one.
Last April 10-11 Paula, Carla, Allison and myself, from ALIT (Fight for
Transvestite/Transsexual Association) went to Cordoba for the III GLTTB
Conference. I must admit that reality surpassed all my expectations. I
thought not many transvestites will attend, but it wasn't so. I was
delighted to hear voices from transvestites living in many different
places: Maria Jose, from San Juan; Claudia and the Conf. receptionist,
Marcela, both of them from Cordoba; Tatiana and Loana (not yours truly,
but another one) from Colectivo Arco Iris, Rosario; Karen, from Comodoro
Rivadavia, who spoke about the wonderful work they are doing, organizing
themselves and starting their struggle as a reaction for the
"dissappearance" of a sister; Claudia, from Chilean Centro Lambda, who
told us about her AIDS work. There was also a big delegation from Buenos
Aires, all members of OTTRA (Transvestite and Transsexual Organization
of the Argentinean Republic). Sisters from Cordoba founded the first
organization in their province: ATUC (United Transvestite Association
from Cordoba)
Two workshops dealt with transvestites' realities: one by ATA (Belen
Correa) named "He/she" where a video displaying interviews with both
MTFs and FTMs was showed -that ended outside, with the whole Conference
joining in the discussion. And a historical event: for the first time
there was a workshop "for transvestites only" where more than 25 sisters
shared our experiences around a single axis: to feel we were occupying a
different place, speaking from a different perspective even though the
issues were the same we deal with every day: violence, police, AIDS,
self-esteem, and so many others that came out. The fact of being at the
University and sheltered by the warmth of our lesbian, bisexual and gay
sisters/brothers, made us think that something was changing, that we
were building up towards a better future, towards a just, respectful
society; a "world where all worlds have a place", like the poet said.
This is my view of the Conference, and it's a highly positive one, even
some gays and lesbians had been accussing me behind my back of things
I never expected. But well, may be we have to work still more. And
look ahead.
Back to the Conference's positive outcomes, two important events were
there. First: next November the I National Transvestite Conference will
be held
in Buenos Aires, organized by ALIT and Colectivo Arco Iris. It will take
place the day before
the Pride Parade, and it's still undecided. The idea is to use it as a
space to strenghten our
knowledge of how we live in different parts of the country, how many we
are, how we deal
with AIDS, repression and any other issues affecting our community. Our
aim is to develop a national strategy for the Transvestite Movement.
Our realities will also be heard at the I Latin American Transvestite
to be held in Buenos Aires on December 27-29, 1998, organized by ALIT
ILGA Regional Transgender Secretary Claudia Rodriguez. This Conference
of key importance to the transvestite community, as it will be the first
time when we will be able to know each other, to see and hear other
American realities. We want to frame the transvestite struggle in a
Rights perspective, and be able to bring our communities' realities,
and claims to other segments of society. We ask all of you, readers, to
help us spread this call to all Latin American transvestite
organizations /
individuals you might be in touch with, and invite them to join us in
trascendental even.
All transgender, transsexual and transvestite persons are kindly invited
to attend both events. In Argentina we use the word "transvestite" as a
tool of resistance and struggle against the patriarchy that is opressing
and punishing us, because it sees us as traitors who renounce the
power "naturally" bestowed upon them for the mere fact of
We are all what in other places falls under the umbrella term
To register for both Conferences, suggest issues, workshops, send
support letters or request more information, please get in touch with
Lohana Berkins and Paula Rodriguez - ALIT
c/o Lesbianas a la Vista/Escrita en el Cuerpo
Peru 1330 4to, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Phone (54 1) 381 58 54 (Lohana); (54 1) 361 36 43 (Lesbianas); 581 01 79
Fax (54 1) 382 90 95
Email: lalav@lalav.wamani.apc org y/o ales@wamani.apc.org
Very important: sister Claudia Rodriguez, from Chile, is in-charge of
scholarships. Any information on that matter, please contact her. Also
if you
want to donate funds to allow more trans people from Latin America to
Agustinas 2085, Santiago o Casilla Postal 53575, Correo Central,
Phone/fax: (56 2) 687 35 95.
Email: redaccom@nova.humanista.cl
(*) The name I was given has nothing to do with the being I am now.
I had to accept all those commands telling me how to behave, how to
dress and whom to love. Most of those rules sounded foreign to me.
I was named ( ). What a mistake! I am Lohana Berkins, transvestite,
and proud. Even though I don't believe on definitions too much, for
reason I hold on to my "transvestite" label. Lohana is my truly way of
relating, of growing against the opposition of many, catholic churches
and neoliberal systems in the list. Lohona is how I really live, feel
Transvestites, transsexuals, transgenders, drag-queens, impersonators,
drag-kings, "colitas", "travas", "traviesas" and a thousand other names
can be given to us. Nobody, not even us, will ever find the exact word
to define who we are, how much love we feel, towards whom, and
how deeply joyful we are.
:|: Paul Canning
:|: canning@rainbow.net.au
:|: http://www.rainbow.net.au/~canning
Queers for reconciliation http://reconciliation.queer.org.au/
"When we head into the new century, my question is 'What faces and
voices will represent this Lesbian, Gay, bisexual, and transgendered
community and movement?' If it's going to be the same old business as
usual - predominantly white and well-resourced - then I, as a black
Lesbian, will have concerns."
Mandy Carter
The A-Infos News Service
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